Cookie - Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix
March 15th, 2024 10:56 am     A+ | a-
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Cookie is a sweet approx. 2-year-old Chihuahua, Rat Terrier and a 3rd curly-tailed breed mix, she is about 8 pounds. Cookie is adorable, has a silky soft coat, and she really wants to be someone's very special girl. Cookie loves attention. Cookie was found in a field. She was then abandoned to the backyard and starved by her rescueer so my partner rescue stepped in to help Cookie and got her to safety.

Cookie needs a stable home with 1-2 loving people who understand a dog is a lifetime commitment. Due to the abandonment, starvation and suffering in the elements, Cookie needs a very dog-savvy, rescue-savvy adopter who can help Cookie regain her self-confidence and give her a safe, loving forever home. Once she is safe and loved she becomes very attached to her human.

Cookie loves playing with her foster siblings and exploring the yard. Cookie has a sweet demeanor and is easygoing, gentle, and smart when with one person. She is very shy to start due to all she has been through. Once she warms up she wants to cuddle and be close. With love patience and consistency, she will learn to trust that you are her family and she will never again be abandoned again.

Cookie will do best as an only dog due to her resource guarding, she growls when another dog is being loved on. However, a dog-savvy adopter who will spend time working with Cookie can move her out of this behavior in a positive manner and create a balanced 2 dog household.

Please fill out an application if you are interested in adopting Cookie.

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